It turned out awesome. I´m so happy with the result, that I had to immediately cast on one for me (or somebody else, we will see about the color combination).
She was kind enough to sew in my custom made labels (gift from my awesome husband, detailled description here). I don´t like sewing very much, but I´m challenging that dislike. ^^ More on that in the next couple of days (I hope).
Naturally I had to also share this project in Ravelry. What you don´t know Ravelry? Ravelry is a kind of Facebook for knitters, crocheters, weavers and general yarn enthusiast. It´s a great place to share projects, discuss problems or find help or generally have a good time with nice people who share you´re love for fiber. The search mechanism is amazing. All projects are linked to the particular pattern, what yarn you used, how much of it and so on (ok you have to put in the information first, but then it´s great). And enrolling for Ravelry is for free. Ravelry gets their money from designers and yarn companies who either sell their designs, yarn or advertise. Ok enough yarn talk for now.