There are whole books, articles, what not, addressing these issues. In the end you have to make the decision to either make a new project (and sometimes by new yarn/fabric to complete it) or just give it to some kindergarden that will love those scraps. So I searched a bit and here is what I came up with:
Fun fact, I didn´t buy any yarn this year so far. Which means I was knitting completely from my stash. It´s a little scary because while I´ve completed a lot of projects this year (12 to be precise, compared to last year at the time where I had finished 5) still my stash is nowhere near to be exhausted or anything. ^^

It´s a Color Affection (giving in on the soothingness of garter stitch) in DK. All of the blue and purple yarn is gone now.
It´s squishy and awesome and as summer has not arrived so far I can really wear it and snuggle in it. ^^
Finished this in exaclty one week, cast-on on a Friday, cast-off and seam in the ends on the next Friday. I guess I´m getting faster? Or knitting DK with needle 4 is just going like a breeze.
This nice hair band from the lady from Hamburgerliebe (check out her tutorials she really has quiet nice ideas).
And some small baskets to either store stuff in or give away (sorry don´t have the link anymore)
In the end I decided to do both. Finish more projects with my left overs but also give away some scraps that are really just to small to do anything with them to a kindergarden.
I still have a few more ideas and the stash to realize them, so stay tuned. Also MeMadeMay-Challenge is in full swing and I´m confident to achieve my goals in time.